Zigzag Marketing Blog

Marketing In A Recession Jul 25, 2023

There's no denying it's a challenging time out there right now for small businesses. You've probably been wondering how you can improve your marketing efforts to withstand the affects of a recession. During economic downturns, consumers tend to become more cautious with their spending, making it cru...

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5 Consumer Behaviour Marketing Trends in 2023 Jul 07, 2023

The uncertain world we live in is changing the way that people buy. 

The lingering effects of the pandemic. The increased cost of living. Civil unrest in so many countries. The war in Ukraine.

Yes, it’s heavy! So how are people responding to this uncertainty? It may be subconscious but this changi...

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How to use pricing in your marketing to get more sales May 26, 2023


Share your pricing up front.

This is a great way to ensure that people that are enquiring about your product or service are pre-qualified, saving your time and theirs. You’ll put off those for whom you are too expensive (and therefore not your ideal customers) and those that enquire will be prep...

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Do you need a Marketing Strategy? May 26, 2023

Short answer - NO

BUT... marketing using strategy has been proven to create better, more sustainable results.

Marketing your business with a scattergun, 'let's see if this works' approach can be successful, in the short term. But to get long term growth for your business, a strategic approach wil...

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3 reasons why you’re not getting the marketing results you want May 20, 2023

Are you pouring a lot of time, resources and money into your marketing but not getting the sales results you want? Here’s 3 reasons why this might be happening and what you can do about it. 

1️⃣ Focussing on tactics before strategy

Do you find yourself being more tactical focused than strategic? ...

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