A boutique agency that equipes business owners with the marketing fundamentals so they can create their own success.
I started Zigzag Creative in 2016 because I wanted to help business owners achieve success through effective marketing & smart design. A full suite of marketing, branding and graphic design ‘done for you’ services was offered. However, after 4 years in business I had worked with 100+ local businesses and realised the focus for Zigzag Creative needed to change.
I had discovered the biggest marketing problem most businesses have; they were marketing without a plan. Taking a scatter gun approach to promoting their business, leaving them overwhelmed by all the options available. They could download resources and complete online courses all day long, but without a strategy, a plan and some guidance, they were unlikely to get the results they desired.
That’s why I’m so passionate about a strategic approach to marketing that helps clients achieve their goals in cost-effective ways. With well-considered strategies, it is possible to create a profitable marketing system for your business. And with a strategic plan to follow, marketing implementation doesn't have to be overwhelming.
Now called Zigzag Marketing, the business focus also includes educating and upskilling business owners so that they can manage their own marketing and create the success they deserve.
Zigzag Marketing is based in Christchurch and primarily works with businesses across New Zealand.
Let's Chat
I'd love to hear about where you're at with business marketing and what you're struggling with.
Book in for a free 30 min Discovery Call.